Contacts: Physics West 212, email:

Research interests
Physics of elementary particles.
Flavour physics: searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model in rare processes.
Hidden sector physics: searches for light feebly-interacting new particles.

Academic positions
2022– Professor of particle physics, University of Birmingham, UK
2014–2022 Reader in particle physics, University of Birmingham, UK
2012–2017 Royal Society Research Fellow, University of Birmingham, UK
2011–2012 Marie Curie Research Fellow, University of Birmingham, UK
2011 Research fellow, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
2010 Project associate, CERN, Switzerland
2008–2010 Research fellow, University of Birmingham, UK
2006–2008  Research fellow, Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN, Pisa, Italy

2006           PhD in experimental particle physics. JINR, Dubna, Russia
2002 MSc in applied physics and mathematics. MIPT, Moscow, Russia

2006– NA62 collaboration (CERN, Switzerland)
2003–2015 NA48/2 collaboration (CERN, Switzerland)
2001–2013 NA48/1 collaboration (CERN, Switzerland)
1999–2005 Excharm collaboration (IHEP Protvino, Russia)

Main responsibilities
2019–         NA62-UK spokesperson and NA62-Birmingham group leader
2017– Rare decays working group convener, NA62 experiment at CERN
2014–2019 ERC starting grant team leader and NA62-Birmingham deputy group leader
2006–2017 Physics analysis coordinator, NA62-RK experiment at CERN

Most significant awards
2019  IPPP associateship
2018 CERN scientific associateship
2014 ERC Starting Grant (project 336581 "KaonLepton")
2014 JINR (Dubna) Experimental Physics First Prize
2012 Birmingham Fellowship
2012 Royal Society University University Research Fellowship
2011 European Commission Marie Curie Fellowship