- Steve Heller's C++: A dialog A detailed explanation of C++ programming to Sue, a beginner, with a love story subtext. Sue and Steve married in 1997, some years into the dialog.
- Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++ volumes 1 and 2. Once you have seen the basics, Eckel will tell you why it is the way it is.
- The classic Numerical Recipes. Only the C, not the C++ book is online, but that has little effect on the numerical work they present.
There are also some substantial notes written by lecturers elsewhere:
- Rob Miller(Imperial): Introduction to the Imperative Part of C++
- Robert Arkiletian (Canada): Beginners tutorial . Includes Greg Ercolano video
- Greg Ercolano's FLTK page with a lot of nice tricks and more videos.
- A page of very useful C++ references can be found at the Cambridge Engineering Department
MSC 2005-2010