Y2 Neutrino Physics (spring 2017)

Part of module 17301 "Nuclear Physics and Neutrinos"

School of Physics and Astronomy ♦ University of Birmingham

Dr E Goudzovski

Contact details: Physics West 212, email eg@hep.ph.bham.ac.uk. [more info]

General information


Date Summary Notes Suggested texts and papers
1 17 Feb Introduction to particle physics
  • The system of units
  • Distance and energy scale
  • Basics of relativistic kinematics
  • Reaction thresholds
[pdf] Textbooks:
Martin & Shaw (chapters 1, 2);
Perkins (chapter 1);
Griffiths (chapters 1, 3)
2 21 Feb Fundamental particles and interactions
  • Quarks and leptons
  • Forces, their ranges and strenghts
  • Internal quantum numbers and conservation laws
  • Feynman diagrams
  • Examples of electromagnetic processes
[pdf] Textbooks:
Martin & Shaw (chapters 1, 2, 8);
Perkins (chapters 1, 2);
Griffiths (chapters 1, 2)
3 24 Feb The weak force; early history of the neutrino
  • Weak lepton decays
  • Hadron structure and decays
  • Spectra of α- and β-decays
  • Ellis & Wooster experiment (1927)
  • Postulation of the neutrino (1930)
[pdf] Textbooks:
Martin & Shaw (chapters 3, 6, 8); Perkins (chapter 7); Sutton (chapters 1, 2); Solomey (chapter 1)

Particle Data Group review: the quark model

Ellis & Wooster experiment: Nature 119 (1927) 563
4 27 Feb 18:00 How to detect a neutrino?
  • Nuclear reactors as anti-neutrino sources
  • Neutrino detection via inverse β-decay
  • Cross-section and mean free path
  • Cross-section of the inverse β-decay
  • Designing a reactor neutrino detector
[pdf] Textbooks:
Martin & Shaw (chapter 2); Perkins (chapter 7.4); Sutton (chapter 3); Solomey (chapter 4)
5 3 Mar Discoveries of the leptons
  • Discovery of the electron antineutrino (1956)
  • Discoveries of the 2nd generation leptons
  • Discoveries of the 3rd generation leptons
[pdf] Textbooks:
Sutton (chapters 3, 4); Solomey (chapters 4, 5, 9).

Cowan & Reines experiment: PR 117 (1960) 159
νμ discovery: PRL 9 (1962) 36
τ discovery: PL 35 (1975) 1489
ντ discovery: PLB 504 (2001) 218
6 7 Mar Neutrino mass and mixing
  • Absolute neutrino mass measurements
  • Neutrino mixing
  • Two-flavour oscillations
  • Oscillation length, appearance and survival probabilities
  • Three-flavour mixing formalism
[pdf] Textbooks:
"Absolute mass measurements" in Soler et al. Martin & Shaw (chapter 2.3); Perkins (chapter 9.7); Sutton (chapter 4); Griffiths (chapters 11.2, 11.4, 11.5)

Mainz mν experiment: EPJC 40 (2005) 447
PSI mν experiment: PRD 53 (1996) 6065

Particle Data Group review on neutrino mass and oscillations (2015): [pdf]
Maple demonstration of neutrino oscillations.
7 10 Mar Atmospheric neutrino experiments
  • Atmospheric neutrino production
  • The Cherenkov effect
  • Water Cherenkov neutrino detectors
  • Super-Kamiokande
  • Evidence for atmospheric ν oscillations
  • Cherenkov neutrino telescopes
[pdf] Textbooks:
Martin & Shaw (chapter 2.3.2); Kleinknecht (chapter 5.3); Perkins (chapter 9.7.2); "Atmospheric Neutrinos" (p.147-170) in Soler et al.

Super-K: PRL 81 (1998) 1562
8 14 Mar Solar neutrino experiments (part I)
  • The sun as thermonuclear reactor
  • The Homestake chlorine experiment
  • Gallium experiments (SAGE, GALLEX/GNO)
  • Solar ν measurements with water Cherenkov detectors
  • The solar neutrino problem
[pdf] Textbooks:
Martin & Shaw (chapter 2.3.2); Perkins (chapter 9.7.1); Sutton (chapter 6); Solomey (chapter 4); "Solar Neutrinos" (p.217-238) in Soler et al.

Homestake: APJ 496 (1998) 505
SAGE: PRC 80 (2009) 015807
GNO: PLB 616 (2005) 174
Kamiokande: PRL 77 (1996) 1683
Super-Kamiokande: PRD 83 (2011) 052010
9 17 Mar Solar neutrino experiments (part II)
  • Sudbury neutrino observatory (SNO)
  • Neutrino detection via CC, NC and ES processes
  • Resolution of the solar neutrino problem
  • Low-energy solar ν: Borexino experiment
  • Matter effects for solar ν
[pdf] Textbooks: see lecture 8.

SNO: arXiv:1109.0763
Borexino: PRL 107 (2011) 141302 (7Be); PRL 108 (2012) 051302 (pep)
10 21 Mar Accelerator neutrino experiments
  • Neutrino production by accelerators
  • Physics programme of accelerator experiments
  • Recent results from the MINOS, T2K and OPERA experiments
[pdf] Textbooks: "Accelerator-based experiments" (p.183-216) in Soler et al.

A collection of MINOS results: [here]
T2K (disappearance): PRL 112 (2014) 181801
T2K (appearance): PRL 112 (2014) 061802
OPERA (appearance): PRD 89 (2014) 051102
11 24 Mar Reactor experiments; lepton flavour & number violation
  • KamLAND and Daya Bay experiments
  • Neutrino-induced lepton flavour violation
  • Dirac and Majorana neutrinos
  • Neutrinoless double beta decay
  • Current problems in neutrino physics
[pdf] Textbooks: Martin & Shaw (chapters 2.3, 11.6); Perkins (chapters 9.6, 9.6, 9.7); Sutton (chapter 3); Solomey (chapters 3,6); "Experiments with Reactors" and "Neutrinoless double beta decay" in Soler et al.

Daya Bay: PRL 112 (2014) 061801
KamLAND: PRL 100 (2008) 221803
12 26 Apr 10.00 Revision lecture [pdf]  

Past examination papers

The most recent papers:

Reading list

Neutrino physics is a modern and evolving subject, therefore there is no single textbook covering the whole course. For the first part of the course, several general particle physics and neutrino-specific texts are recommended. For the second part of the course, the reading list mostly consists of the original papers (see the table above).

We aim to keep a good number of the books that you may need in the library (subject to shelf space constraint). If you have tried to take out a book and there were none left, please register this with the TSO using [this link]. Please state the book, the module and whether you put a reservation request in.

Availability of the recommended books at the University library: [here].
University library catalogue: [here].

Neutrino specific

General particle physics

Particle detectors


Dr E Goudzovski / eg@hep.ph.bham.ac.uk