Conference Talks, Seminars and Other Public Talks:

  • Forward Physics, an Experimental Perspective:
    Lectures at Midsummer School in QCD 2024 , Saariselka, Finland, June 2024
    1) Forward Physics and The Low x Scattering Frontier
    2) Soft Physics and Diffraction in Proton-Proton Collisions
    3) Diffraction at the Parton Level

  • Lepton Hadron Scattering and the Electron Ion Collider
    Evolving seminar given most recently at MPI fur Physik (Werner Heisenberg Institute), Munich, June 2024
    and also Birmingham (October 2023), RAL (April 2024) and UCL (April 2024)

  • The Electron Ion Collider: Experimental Overview
    MC4EIC Workshop , Durham, June 2024

  • Energy Frontier DIS at CERN: Programme Options and Detector Challenges
    31st International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects , Grenoble, France, April 2024

  • Detector R&D Challenges in CERN Energy Frontier Lepton-Hadron Studies
    Synergy workshop between ep/eA and pp/pA/AA physics experiments , CERN, February 2024

  • Deep Inelastic Scattering and Hadronic Structure
    ICFA Seminar on Future Perspectives in High-Energy Physics , DESY, Hamburg, Germany, November 2023

  • Low-x Physics at Electron-Proton and Proton-Proton Colliders
    Heraeus Foundation Seminar on Forward Physics and QCD at the LHC and EIC:
    (Main site) (indico) , Bad Honnef, Germany, October 2023

  • Potential of the Electron-Ion Collider to Constrain Parton Densities and the Strong Coupling
    QCD@LHC 2023, Durham, September 2023

  • Synergies between the EIC and the LHeC
    EIC User Group (Detector-II sessions), Warsaw, Poland, July 2023

  • John Dainton and the H1 Experiment
    Dainton-fest, Cockcroft Institute, Daresbury, July 2023

  • Extracting the Partonic Structure of Colourless Exchanges at the Electron-Ion Collider
    30th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, Michigan State University, USA, March 2023

  • An Interaction Region and Detector for High Energy DIS at CERN
    30th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, Michigan State University, USA, March 2023

  • Orlando and Physics in Birmingham
    Orlando-fest, Birmingham, February 2023

  • Allport, Brum and the BILPA
    Allport-fest, Birmingham, January 2023

  • Determination of Collinear Proton Parton Distribution Functions using LHC Data
    QCD@LHC'22, Orsay, France, November 2022

  • Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering Measurements at the Electron Ion Collider
    Workshop on Monte Carlos for the EIC, Online, November 2022

  • TeV-scale Small-x Physics at LHeC and FCC-eh
    Electrons for the LHC, Orsay, France, October 2022

  • Constraining Proton Parton Distributions at the LHC
    51st International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Pitlochry, Scotland, August 2022

  • Latest Constraints on Proton Parton Densities from the LHC
    Kick-off meeting - Synergies between the Electron-Ion Collider and the Large Hadron Collider, CERN, June 2022

  • The Hadronic Final State at HERA and its Connection to the EIC
    HERA 4 EIC Workshop, Stony Brook / Online June 2022

  • Proton and Nuclear Collinear Parton Densities at the Electron Ion Collider using simulated ATHENA data
    29th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, May 2022

  • The UK Involvement in ATHENA
    IPPP Workshop on Physics Opportunities at the Electron-Ion Collider, online, September 2021

  • Diffractive Lepton-Hadron Scattering
    61st Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, online, September 2021

  • The ATLAS AFP Proton Spectrometer
    12th International Conference on Position-Sensitive Detectors, Birmingham, September 2021

  • Data Management in Particle Physics,
    Birmingham Open Data Forum, Birmingham / online, June 2021

  • Summary and Conclusions of EIC Yellow Report on Complementarity
    2021 RHIC / AGS users meeting, BNL / online, June 2021
    Also earlier related talks at 1st IR2@EIC workshop, Argonne / virtual, March 2021 , Detector Advisory Committee review, September 2020 , Pavia meeting, May 2020 , Miami meeting, July 2020 ,

  • Evolving outreach talk: Higgs Bosons, Birmingham and the LHC
    Aimed at pre-university physics students / general interested public
    given most recently at Birmingham University undergraduate admissions open day, January 2021

  • Detector(s) for the Electron Ion Collider
    2nd UK Workshop on Physics, Detector and Accelerator Opportunities at the Electron-Ion Collider, online, July 2020

  • Inclusive Diffraction and the EIC
    2nd UK Workshop on Physics, Detector and Accelerator Opportunities at the Electron-Ion Collider, online, July 2020

  • Low x and Diffractive Physics at FCC-eh
    3rd FCC Physics and Experiments Workshop, CERN, January 2020

  • New Simulations of Diffraction at LHeC and FCC-eh
    Electrons for the LHC Workshop, Chavannes-de-Bogis, Switzerland, October 2019

  • Towards Accuracy at Small x: Experimental Overview
    Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics Small x Workshop, Edinburgh, September 2019

  • Complementarity between the (High Luminosity) Large Hadron Collider and the Electron Ion Collider
    Annual EIC User Group Meeting, Paris, France, July 2019

  • Differential Cross Sections for Single Diffractive Dissociation using ALFA
    LPCC Workshop on Forward Physics at the LHC, Dublin, Ireland, June 2019

  • Elastic and Diffractive Scattering at the LHC
    Birmingham seminar, May 2019, similar to seminar at CEA Saclay , Paris January 2019,

  • Detectors for the LHeC and FCC-eh
    DIS'19, Torino, Italy, April 2019

  • The Large Hadron electron Collider
    from the INT Workshop on Probing Nucleons and Nuclei at High Energy, Seattle, USA, October 2018

  • The Large Hadron electron Collider and its Detector
    from the Electron Ion Collider User Group Meeting, CUA, Washington DC, USA, July 2018

  • Forward Instrumentation from HERA via the LHC to the LHeC
    from the `Electrons for the LHC' Workshop, LAL-Orsay, France, June 2018

  • Elastic and Diffractive Scattering at the LHC
    Colloquia at DESY Hamburg and DESY Zeuthen, May 2018

  • Small-x Physics and Diffraction at the LHeC and FCC-eh
    from DIS18, Kobe, Japan, April 2018

  • ATLAS AFP: Status and Prospects
    from LHC Working Group Workshop on Forward Physics and Diffraction, Madrid, March 2018

  • Diffractive Physics at the HERA Collider,
    from Workshop on Forward Physics & High Energy Scattering at Zero Degrees Nagoya, Japan September 2017

  • Low x LHeC and FCC-eh Studies
    from LHeC and FCC-eh Workshop, CERN, September 2017

  • Low x Inclusive and Diffractive DIS from HERA to Future Facilities
    from EIC Annual User Group Meeting, Trieste, Italy, July 2017

  • Measurements of the Total Proton-Proton Cross Section with the ATLAS Detector
    from EDS'17 (Rencontres du Blois), Prague, Czech Republic, June 2017

  • Low x Physics and Saturation: from HERA to Future DIS and the LHeC
    from Saturation: Recent Developments, New Ideas and Measurements, Brookhaven, USA, April 2017

  • Diffraction at the LHeC and the EIC
    from the DIS17 workshop, Birmingham, UK, April 2017

  • Recent Diffractive and Related Measurements with the ATLAS Detector
    from the Lowx16 workshop, Gyongyos Hungary, June 2016

  • The HERA Legacy
    Plenary talk from the DIS16 conference, DESY Hamburg, Germany, April 2016

  • Lepton-Hadron Scattering at the TeV Scale: LHeC Overview and Detector
    from the DIS16 conference, DESY Hamburg, April 2016

  • Elastic and Diffractive Scattering at the LHC
    Heidelberg University Colloquium, December 2015

  • Overview of the Large Hadron electron Collider Project
    from the POETIC'15 conference, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, September 2015.

  • Quantum Chromodynamics at the Large Hadron electron Collider
    Plenary talk from the QCD@LHC'15 workshop, QMUL, London, September 2015.

  • A Detector for the Large Hadron electron Collider
    from the EPS-HEP'15 conference, Vienna, Austria, July 2015.

  • Future High Energy Electron-Hadron Scattering: the LHeC Project
    Evolving seminar given most recently at RAL, February 2015 and QMUL, November 2014
    Also earlier versions:

  • ep Physics with H1 at HERA
    from the Symposium in honour of Pierre Marage and others , Brussels, December 2014

  • The UK Experimental Particle Physics Programme
    from the R-ECFA UK Country visit , RAL, November 2014.

  • Diffraction at the Large Hadron electron Collider
    from the Diffraction'14 conference, Primosten, Croatia, September 2014.

  • The Higgs Boson and Beyond (with Dave Charlton)
    from the University of Birmingham Annual Meeting, May 2014.

  • Impact of ATLAS data on Parton Density Functions
    from the DIS2014 workshop, Warsaw, Poland, April 2014.

  • LHeC Detector Design and Simulation
    from the DIS2014 workshop, Warsaw, Poland, April 2014.

  • Low x Physics at the Large Hadron electron Collider
    from the Workshop on the LHeC , Chavannes-de-Bogis, France, January 2014.

  • Stuff: What is it? An Introduction to Particle Physics and Accelerators
    Graduate summer school introductory lecture from the `Triggering Discoveries' meeting, Jammu, India, September 2013.

  • Heavy Ion Physics and the Large Hadron electron Collider
    from the Strangeness in Quark Matter conference, Birmingham, July 2013.

  • Diffraction at the LHC
    from the QCD at Cosmic Energies workshop, Paris, May 2013.

  • Diffraction and Soft Strong Interactions: Selected New Results from the LHC
    Seminar given at Pennsylvania State University USA, February 2013.

  • ATLAS Results on Forward Physics
    from the LPCC Workshop on Forward Physics at the LHC , CERN, February 2013.

  • Diffractive Processes and the LHC
    from the Workshop on Measuring Multi-Parton Interactions at the LHC , Tel Aviv, Israel, October 2012.

  • Strong Interactions and QCD at the Energy Frontier
    from the Open Symposium on the European Strategy for Particle Physics , Krakow, Poland, September 2012.

  • Recent Experimental Results on Soft Strong Interactions
    Plenary talk from ICHEP 2012 , Melbourne, Australia, July 2012.

  • Electron-Ion Collisions at a Large Hadron electron Collider
    Parallel session talk from ICHEP 2012 , Melbourne, Australia, July 2012.

  • Diffractive, Elastic and Total Cross Sections from early LHC Data,
    Seminar at IPPP, Durham, May 2012.

  • Summary Talk from Future Physics Session (LHC upgrades, including LHeC), with Elke Aschenauer
    from DIS 2012 , Bonn, Germany, March 2012.

  • Diffraction and Multi-Parton Interactions: an Experimental Perspective
    from MPI 2011 , Hamburg, Germany, November 2011.

  • Diffractive and Exclusive Processes in ep Scattering at the LHeC
    from DIS 2011 , Newport News, USA, April 2011.

  • Stuff: what is it?... and why does it stick together?
    Professorial Inaugural Lecture, March 2011

  • QCD at ATLAS: The Story so Far
    from Excited QCD 2011 , Les Houches, France, February 2011.

  • Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA
    from Diffraction 2010 , Otranto, Italy, September 2010.

  • Diffraction from HERA to the LHC
    from Diffraction 2010 , Otranto, Italy, September 2010.
    See also similar talk at LHC Physics Centre Diffraction Day , CERN, May 2010.

  • Diffraction at HERA
    Lectures from Summer School on High Energy Diffractive & EM Processes , Acquafredda, Italy, September 2010.

  • Inclusive Diffraction and Related Topics at HERA
    from ICHEP 2010 , Paris, July 2010.

  • Diffractive Factorisation and Rapidity Gap Survival at HERA
    from the Workshop on Forward Physics at the LHC , Manchester, December 2009.

  • Summary talk on Physics at High Parton Densities
    from 2nd CERN-ECFA-NuPECC LHeC Workshop , Divonne, France, September 2009.
    See also talks on low-x detector requirements and diffractive observables at the same meeting.

  • Low x and Diffractive Physics at an LHeC
    from EDS 09 (Blois) , CERN, July 2009.

  • Inclusive Diffraction and Factorisation Tests at HERA
    from PHOTON 09 , DESY Hamburg, May 2009.

  • Jets in Diffractive Photoproduction and Diffractive Factorisation
    from DIS 09 , Madrid, April 2009.

  • Recent Highlights of HERA and Deep Inelastic Scattering
    from UK IOP HEPP Group meeting , Oxford, April 2009.

  • DIS at the TeV Scale: A Summary of the 1st LHeC Workshop
    from Ringberg Workshop on new Trends in HERA Physics , Schloss Ringberg, October 2008.

  • Summary talk on Physics at High Parton Densities (with Nestor Armesto)
    from 1st ECFA-CERN LHeC Workshop , Divonne, France, September 2008.
    See also talks on low-x observables and establishing parton saturation at the same meeting.

  • From HERA to the LHC and the Future of DIS
    from IOP meeting: `A Celebration of HERA and the UK Role' , RAL, June 2008.

  • Experimental Diffraction from HERA to the LHC (with Valery Khoze)
    from IVth HERA-LHC workshop , CERN, May 2008.
    See also similar talk (with Markus Diehl) from DIS08, London , April 2008

  • New Results on Hard Diffraction from HERA and the Tevatron
    From HCP07, Elba, Italy, May 2007

  • Low x Physics in DIS with Ep=7 TeV and Ee= 70 GeV at the LHeC
    From DIS2007, Munich, April 2007

  • H1 2006 Diffractive Parton Densities: Updates and Practicalities
    From 3rd HERA-LHC workshop, DESY, March 2007

  • `Diffractive' Deep Inelastic Scattering: the Structure of Nothing
    Particle Physics Seminar given in Birmingham, Lancaster, Manchester, 2006/7

  • What is a Proton?
    Departmental Colloquium given in Birmingham, December 2006

  • The LHeC Project: Deep Inelastic Scattering with Ee=70 GeV and Ep=7 TeV
    From 2nd workshop on the QCD Structure of the Nucleon, Roma, June 2006

  • Summary Talk from Diffractive Sessions
    From 2nd HERA-LHC workshop, CERN, June 2006 (with Valery Khoze)

  • Diffraction and the LHeC
    From 2nd HERA-LHC workshop, CERN, June 2006

  • Diffractive Cross Sections and Parton Densities from Rapidity Gap and Leading Proton Measurements
    From DIS2006, Tsukuba, Japan, April 2006

  • HERA Diffractive Structure Function Data and Parton Distributions
    From final meeting of 1st HERA-LHC Workshop, DESY, March 2005 (with Frank-Peter Schilling)

  • H1 Status and Prospects, May 2004
    Presentation to the Open Session of the 57th DESY PRC, May 2004

  • Selected Recent Highlights from Lepton-Nucleon Scattering at HERA
    From UK Institute of Physics HEP Conference, Birmingham, April 2004

  • Hadronic Final States and QCD: HERA as a Preparation for LHC
    From Workshop on Precision Measurements at LHC, Binn, Switzerland, October 2003

  • Deep Inelastic Lepton Nucleon Scattering at HERA
    From Lepton Photon Symposium, Fermilab, August 2003

  • Preview of H1 Results for the EPS'03 Conference
    From DESY seminar, July 2003

  • Unpolarised Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA
    From HERA-III workshop, December 2002, Munich

  • H1 Results on Inclusive Diffraction
    From Low x workshop September 2002, Antwerpen

  • Prospects for Diffraction at HERA II
    From DIS02, April 2002, Cracow

  • Inclusive and Semi-Inclusive Cross Sections at Low x at HERA
    From LISHEP02, February 2002, Rio de Janeiro

  • Hard Diffraction at HERA
    From DESY Forum, November 2001 (with Arthur Hebecker)

  • Measurements of the Diffractive Structure Function F2D(3) at HERA
    From EPS01, July 2001, Budapest

  • HERA, Past, Present and Future
    Seminar given in Birmingham, 2000

  • There is Diffraction at HERA-2!
    From H1 Meeting on Prospects for Physics at HERA-2, December 2000.

  • HERA Status Report, November 2000
    Presentation to the UK Particle Physics Committee.

  • H1 Status Report, October 2000
    Presentation to the Open Session of the 50th DESY PRC.

  • Inclusive Diffraction at HERA
    From ICHEP00, July 2000, Osaka

  • Diffractive Deep-Inelastic Scattering
    Seminar given at UCL 2000, Lancaster, Manchester, 1999, Birmingham, Oxford 1998

  • A Fast Track Trigger with High Resolution for H1
    Funding request to the UK PPESP, December 1999

  • Low-x and Diffractive Physics at HERA, LEP and the Tevatron
    From the UK Collider Phenomenology Workshop, September 1999, Durham

  • H1 Measurements of Open b Production
    From DIS99, April 1999, Zeuthen, Germany

  • Diffractive Phenomena at HERA
    From Hadron Structure 98, Stara Lesna

  • Diffractive Deep-Inelastic Scattering
    Seminar given in Birmingham and Oxford, 1998

  • Diffraction and Leading Baryon Production
    From the HERA MC Workshop 1998

  • Diffractive Scattering at HERA
    From Moriond QCD and Hadronic Interactions 1998

  • Summary of Diffractive Parallel Sessions
    From DIS 1997 Chicago (with Dave Soper)

  • Diffractive Dissociation in Photoproduction
    From DIS 1997 Chicago

  • Inclusive Measurements of Diffraction throughout the HERA Q2 Range
    From DIS 1996 Roma
